Almon Strowger

Short Film

Animated Short based on the story of Almon Strowger, an undertaker who was losing business to a competitor. The competitor’s wife working as a telephone operator, was routing calls away from Strowger to their funeral home business. That lead Strowger invented the Automatic Telephone Exchange in 1889. Film has being commissioned by Ote Telecommunication Museum.


Story – Production – Direction: Alexandros Grammatopoulos

Animation Production: Lokey

Direction – Animation – Art Direction – Σκηνοθεσία: Kleopatra Korai

Animation: Elena Pavlaki

Music & Sound design: Triphon KoutsourelisΤρύφων Κουτσουρέλης

Character design: Vasilis Selimas

Almon Strowger

Short Film

Animated Short based on the story of Almon Strowger, an undertaker who was losing business to a competitor. The competitor’s wife working as a telephone operator, was routing calls away from Strowger to their funeral home business. That lead Strowger invented the Automatic Telephone Exchange in 1889. Film has being commissioned by Ote Telecommunication Museum.


Story – Production – Direction: Alexandros Grammatopoulos

Animation Production: Lokey

Direction – Animation – Art Direction – Σκηνοθεσία: Kleopatra Korai

Animation: Elena Pavlaki

Music & Sound design: Triphon KoutsourelisΤρύφων Κουτσουρέλης

Character design: Vasilis Selimas